Sunday, August 30, 2009

Count Your Blessings Sunday

Count Your Blessings Sunday

Here we are again at another Sunday. I remember when I was a kid I used to say time flys when your having fun. Now I know whether your having fun or not it flys. So my new saying is time must have a good pair of shoes cause it runs fast! Lord Jesus teach us to number our days, and bring you glory in each in every one we are granted. So I'm counting my blessings one by one and you'll be amazed at what the Lord has done for me, and you can know He'll do the same for you as you count your blessings.

1. For Jesus' saving and keeping power, may I always follow Him

2. For my wonderful wife without her I would be Ruthless! May she always be mine till death do us part.

3. For my son who has such a tender heart may he always love Jesus and others

4. For my daughter who is a ball of energy and has a way of lighting up a room when she enters it. May she always be herself and use her gifts for God.

5. For the Source bookstore. God has truly blessed me to be able to do something I absolutely love. Sharing great christian books, Bibles, being able to pray with people and speak into their lives never gets old.

I need to save some for next weeks post so I'm done for now, but then again Jesus is always doing more and more for me. Are you thankful for what Jesus has done and is doing for you? Then I encourage you to join me and the others who have counted their blessings and you'll be amazed at what God has done!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm counting my blessings!

Count Your Blessings Sunday

I'm doing what an old hym says count your blessings one by one, count your blessings and see what God has done! Click on the picture above to join in!
1. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving me and keeping me.
2. My worderful wife Ruth as Proverbs 18:22 says The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord. I am truely blessed to have her as my best friend and life long companion.
3. My children, my awesome Son Elisha and beautiful daughter Bethany for adding so much joy and excitement to my life they truely are a treasure.
4. My Parents for having me! With out me where would I be? Ha ha! No really I appreciate them doing the best they could when I was a kid, and now being wonderful Grandparents to my kids.
5. My inlaws what caring and love they show us when we visit, and also for being wonderful Grandparents, not many people can say they like thier inlaws I'm truely blessed.
5. For all my friends and church family I have, they provide so much support and love for me
As you can see I am truely blessed this list could go on and on but I don't want it to be 900 pages long as I will be doing this each sunday I have to save some for then! How bout you as you look at your live can you see where Jesus has blessed you I encourage you if your going through a hard time, or just need a little pick me up, or even if everything is going great right now it's always good to stop and see how much God has truely blessed each of us with!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chef Yon!

This is a character I do for the kids at my church! This clip is from a kids camp we did this last summer Enjoy! There is only five minutes here the clip is 13 minutes so once I figure out how to post the whole thing I replace this one for that one. If any one has any suggestions how to put a big video clip on a blog please comment! Thanks

Friday, August 21, 2009

Launch Pad-What is it?

Launch Pad is the ministry that me and my lovely wife run, at our church for preshoolers ages 3-5. We do puppet shows, sing bibles songs, and teach a lesson of a bible character or bible story, also we have a lot of fun doing crafts and playing games with them. We have been doing this since November of 2006. I must also say we would never be doing what we are now in this ministry without a strong foundation and am very grateful to have been raised up for this ministry by working with my spiritual father Pastor Gene Fend for 7 years in the other kids ministry at our church Master B.L.A.S.T for ages 5-12. Also I am very grateful to my other spiritual father and our head Pastor Jeff Kenny for hiring us on staff. Needless to say I have a lot of fun doing what I do God has truely blessed me!

Launch Pad-Puppet Show- If your kids are 3-5 they'll love this!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yohn Dur's Ponder- James 4:8

Here's another one!

"Our prayers lay the track down which Gods power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails." Watchman Nee

All Time Favorite Quote!

I'm against sin. I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot, and I'll fight it as long as I've got a fist. I'll butt it as long as I've got a head. I'll bite it as long as I've got a tooth. And when I'm old and fistless and footless and toothless, I'll gum it till I go home to Glory and it goes home to perdition! -Billy Sunday

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Testimony

I was born in the 70's and my parents were hippies and like most hippies they did drank and did drugs. Me and my older brother were named while my dad was high. My brother was named Raisan Cain, he now goes by Ray and I was named Yohn Dur, I now go by Yohn except my family still calls me Yohn Dur. I grew up like most kids in a dysfunctional family. I started smoking, drinking, and doing drugs at age 12. Which led me to juvenile hall a couple of times and was leading me on the road to destruction and hell. I remember looking at my future back then and thinking I would either be in prison, or dead because of an overdose. Then in January of 1993 everything changed I came home one day and my parents were mentioning Jesus not as a swear word but as Lord. I didn't want anything to do with Jesus at the time and told them I was gonna party and do drugs till I died. Thank God that wasn't true because my parents started having Bible study at the house and I started talking to the guy that led it like a punk kid with sarcastic questions like who made God?, and isn't Jesus a myth? He answered me each time with love and it was love that drew me before I knew it I was listening to the Bible stories he would share with us like David and Goliath. And in June of 1993 all alone in my bedroom I told Jesus I would be His if He would take the desire to get high on drugs out of me, you see I chased the high everyday had to have the high, the high, the high, would do anything for the high. But right then and there He took that desire away and replaced it with a desire for Him. You see Jesus has done soooo much for me not only saving me 16 years ago, but blessing me with a beautiful wife, and two beautiful children. My life is forever changed because of him!